The following prerequisites must be fulfilled for a student to graduate:
- Successful completion of all courses which include 53 compulsory courses and 4 compulsory elective courses which correspond to 300 ECTS
- Successful completion of both undergraduate thesis Ι and II (in the 9th and 10th semesters, respectively) corresponding to 10 and 20 ECTS, respectively.
The above requirements correspond to a total number of 300 ECTS.
All courses last one semester. Undergraduate thesis Ι and II are presented to a three-member evaluating committee.
A three-month duration traineeship program is also available as an elective course during the 10th semester, and it is presented to a three-member evaluating committee.
There are three examination periods: The February examination period for the examination of all courses offered during the winter semesters (1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th semester), the June examination period for the examination of all courses offered during the spring semesters (2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th, 10th semester), and the September examination period during which courses of both winter and spring semesters are examined.
See the Curriculum
Grading system
Student achievement in each course or other educational activity is given on a scale of 0 to 10. Successful grades are 5 or higher.
The graduation grade is given in decimal numbers with two decimal digits and ranges from 5.0 to 10.0. The graduation grade is complemented with one of the qualitative descriptions "Excellent", "Very Good", and "Good", according to the grade as follows:
For grades from 8.50 up to 10.00 "Excellent"
For grades from 6.50 up to 8.49 "Very Good"
For grades from 5.00 up to 6.49 "Good"
Calculating the graduation grade
The graduation grade is calculated taking into account the grades of all required courses and other educational activities of the study program with a weight coefficient of each course or educational activity equal to the number of ECTS of each course or educational activity.